Homage to the ‘Flowers & the Fruits’

The bright multi coloured Dahlias. The soft smell of the Lavender and the Lilac, stand true to their namesake colours. As does the blooming Fuschia flower, generously lends its name to the bright red colour in artist’s the palette.

The Begonias, the Petunias, and the Zinnias… oh! so easily roll off the tongue. The beauty of a white and a blush pink Rose, can make Shakespeare smile and languish in its sweet scent.

The hunter greens of the Leaves, soothe the eyes, while the fiery red Jalapenos sitting erect in a glass, excite our senses. The rich purple of the Grapes, and the dark red of the plump Cherries, stacked against the blazing orange.. Orange!

What more can I say… These visuals are a treat to our senses and a lullaby to the soul.


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